
The Story Behind our Penny Pendants

June 28, 2016

Our Penny Pendants are made from real Canadian pennies dated up to 1996, the last year they were made from copper. Starting in 1997 Canadian pennies were made with zinc, and from 2000 forward, steel. Though pennies from 1997 to the present are plated with copperto give them the copper penny look we’d come to expect, they aren’t suitable for enamelling.

Hearts aren’t just for Valentines!

June 21, 2016

Hearts are an ever popular form, a favourite for Valentines Day gifts, but also any time of year. Customers love our Winged Hearts Necklaces, and Heart pendants and earrings. Show a little heart with these beautiful, one-of-a-kind hand crafted gems.

Check out our new hand painted sign!

June 21, 2016

Fireworks Copper Enamel is rocking a fine new sign, hand painted by local artist extraordinaire, Jacqueline Wedge. Thanks Jacqueline!